- 从互文性角度看《达洛维夫人》与《时时刻刻》中女性意识的发展_英语论文
- 摘要 迈克尔·坎宁安的小说《时时刻刻》以作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的《达洛维夫人》为蓝本,描述了三个不同时代的女性一天的经历,以万花筒般的手法描写出“达洛维夫人”的群像。本论文拟在互文性视角下解读小说《时时刻刻》与《达洛维夫人》,探讨这两部小说中女性主体意识崛起与发展的内在联系。本论文立足两部小说的文本,结合使用文本细读法,力图全面而深入地对...
- 《时时刻刻》中的创伤与恢复_英语论文
- 《时时刻刻》中的创伤与恢复_英语论文 Trauma and Recovery in The Hours 摘要 本文以《时时刻刻》中四位主人翁所处的境遇和遭遇的创伤为研究对象,进行文本细读,剖析人物创伤的具体体现,并分析创伤的恢复历程。研究发现,文中的主角之一弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫和理查德运用写作来书写自身内心的创伤从而获得对其的全新的认知,最后都选择了结束自己的生命,这在现实看来可能是过...
- 女性主义视角下的《时时刻刻》解读_英语论文
- 女性主义视角下的《时时刻刻》解读_英语论文 An Analysis of The Hours from the Perspective of Feminism 摘要 迈克尔.坎宁安(Michael Cunningham),凭借其处女作《末世之家》蜚声美国文坛。1998年出版的《时时刻刻》是他四部作品中的第三部,该小说一经出版,就引起了很大反响,荣获福克纳小说奖和普利策小说奖;并于2002年被搬上屏幕,获得美国电影金球奖和多项奥斯卡提名,小说和电影在...
- 迈克尔•坎宁安小说《时时刻刻》互文性研究
- Abstract Michael Cunningham is an American famous writer. The Hours, published in 1998, is his third works, which helped him win the Pulitzer Prize in 1999. This novel is written on the base of Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway to pay his honor to Virgin...
- 论《时时刻刻》中女性的生活_英语文学论文
- Abstract: The Hours, a novel written by modern American writer Michael Cunningham in 1998, depicts the lives and the feelings of the three women of different times in a day. Mrs. Dalloway, written by Virginia Woolf, makes the three women(writer、r...
- 《时时刻刻》中三位女主人公人生价值观的碰撞_英语文学论文
- Abstract The Hours is an experimental novel about the famous stream of consciousness novel writer Virginia Woolf and her masterpiece Mrs. Dalloway. A day in the life of three women, structure a work about human loss, despair, fear, longing and love....
- 从电影《时时刻刻》看女性的自我认同_商务英语论文
- Abstract With the development of the protection of womens and childrens rights, feminist studies, especially the gender studies, have increasingly influenced China's researches concerned. Thus, the film The Hours, which won Oscar Academy Award in 200...
- 论《时时刻刻》中女性意识的渐进式觉醒_英语文学论文
- Abstract The Hours, written by Michael Cunningham, mainly depicts the progressive awakening of feminine consciousness of three heroines from three different times in the 20th century. Virginia Woolf, from the 1920s, who is not content in the constrai...
- 《时时刻刻》中的美国女权主义_英语文学论文
- Abstract Based on The Hours, this paper introduces the backgrounds, achievements and influence of three high tides of feminism. It also shows the living and spiritual condition of three periods through the analysis of three protagonists characters. T...
- Becoming Virginia Woolf -the Research of Female Images in the Movie
- Abstract The Hours is Michael Cunningham's intertextual novel on the basis of the real life of Virginia Woolf and her works Mrs. Dalloway . Later the novel has been made into a film. In this film, there are three women who are Virginia Woolf, Laura B...