- 浅论《小公主》的人文主义_英语论文
浅论《小公主》的人文主义_英语论文 A Humanistic Analysis of A Little Princess 摘要 《小公主》是世界著名儿童文学作家弗朗西丝·霍奇森·伯内特的经典之作,曾两次被搬上荧幕并被翻译成多国语言,伯内特也因此名扬国内外。 以人文主义为理论基础,本文旨在从三个角度分析《小公主》,对自由的追求,对平等的渴望和对尊严的维护。通过分析小说中体现的人文主义因素,作家表达了...
- 浅析《小公主》中的现实主义_英语论文.docx
浅析《小公主》中的现实主义_英语论文 The Realism in A Little Princess 摘要 弗朗西斯·霍居森·伯内特是二十世纪的女性儿童文学作家。《小公主》是她笔下的一部举世闻名的小说。小说中浸透着浪漫想象以及魔法场景设定,因此要探索其中所蕴含的现实主义因素并不容易。即便如此,本文还是尝试着通过分析其背景、暗含着的阶级冲突以及人性的暴露去探寻其中所包含着的现实主义...
- 从目的论看《小公主》三个译本的风格_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract With the development of Chinese childrens literature, more and more Chinese versions of world classic childrens literature works appear in the market. This paper endeavors to analyze the stylistic features of three Chinese versions of A Litt...
- Study on the Practical Significance of Fairy Tale by Analyzing a Little Princess
Abstract A little princess is generally viewed as one of the most important English fairy tale. It has been translated into many languages and adapted into many movies, teleplays and dramas. As one of the famous fairy tales, a little princess has gre...