- 从孝的角度浅析《刮痧》中的文化冲突_商务英语论文
- Abstract Debates between Chinese and Western culture have lasted more than 400 years till now. Although the Western culture has already been spread widely hundred years ago, still, it cannot become the dominant culture in modern society. In reality,...
- 《刮痧》中中美两国人人际关系的差异的体现_商务英语论文
- Abstract Interpersonal relationship, a kind of social relation built in the process of production and life, is one of peoples basic needs. People with different cultural backgrounds have different cognitions about interpersonal relationship. Contradi...
- 电影《刮痧》中跨文化背景下移民者的文化身份问题_商务英语论文
- 摘要 电影是再现政治的特殊形式。本文通过对电影《刮痧》的文化阅读,超越文化差异的表层结构,提供一种多元文化语境中文化选择与身份政治关系的全新诠释。男主人公享受着文化身份的...
- 《刮痧》中的中美文化差异_商务英语论文
- 摘要 全球一体化促使跨文化交流越加频繁。《刮痧》这部电影表现了中美文化差异,可以作为研究文化冲突的例子。刮痧是中国传统疗法,在电影里却成为虐待孩子的证据。本文以这部电影为...
- On the Cultural Conflicts between America and China Based on the Conversational...
- On the Cultural Conflicts between America and China Based on the Conversational Analysis of the film Gua Sha ABSTRACT Based on a misunderstanding of the scraping therapy belonging to traditional Chinese medicine, the main line of the Scraping is the...