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  • 探析《嘉莉妹妹》中人物的欲望_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Theodore Dreiser is a famous American writer in the twentieth century. His works are close to social life and explore humans desire for material. Sister Carrie is his first full-length novel, which tells the story of Carrie who is a countrys...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》的女性主义解读_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Sister Carrie is a famous novel written by Theodore Dreiser. It is the story about a girl who goes to Chicago to pursue a better life. She cohabits with a salesman Drouet and a pup manager Hurstwood. Later she enters the upper-class by herse...
  • 嘉莉妹妹女性自我意识的觉醒_英语文学论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Dreiser's Sister Carrie is a successful woman. She has a distinctive personality development track: from being a country girl living on one man in the big city to becoming a new woman who was finally self-reliant and...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉和乔治不同的人生轨迹分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Sister Carrie, written by Theodore Dreiser, depicts the different life paths of two main characters: Carrie Meeber, an ordinary country girl who rises from a low-paid wage earner to a high-paid actress, and George Hurstwood, a member of the...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中的美国梦_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Sister Carrie, as Dreisers first and the most important novel, is set against the backdrop of Chicago and New York City in the late 19th century. It tells the story about Carrie who pursues wealth and happiness in the big cities in order to...
  • 从《嘉莉妹妹》看本性与理性的斗争_英语文学论文
  • 摘要 二十世纪的美国文学,堪称美国文学史上的黄金时期,可以说是又一次文艺复兴。作为美国现代小说的先驱和代表作家,西奥多德莱赛异军突起,驰骋文坛,不带偏见地率先如实描写了新...
  • 对比分析嘉莉妹妹与简爱的女性形象_英语文学论文
  • 摘要 西奥多德莱塞的小说《嘉莉妹妹》和夏洛蒂勃郎特的小说《简爱》在他们各自的国度里都得到了读者的认可与热情赞誉,他们的创作都从女性主义的视角关注了女性生存境遇与命运。虽然...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉无尽欲望的原因分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Theodore Dreiser is one of the most famous writers of America. His first novel Sister Carrie, through describing a country girl Carrie who goes to Chicago to make a living and finally becomes a famous actress, reveals the survival competitio...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》和她的美国梦_英语文学论文
  • 摘要 德莱赛笔下的嘉莉妹妹是当时美国社会一部分人群的缩影。本文旨在通过研究小说中嘉莉妹妹的悲剧来探讨当时美国社会存在的种种问题。文章首先对于美国梦的根源与发展作出详细具体...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》的悲剧命运_英语文学论文
  • 摘要 《嘉莉妹妹》是美国自然主义小说家西奥多德莱赛的第一部小说,讲述了农村姑娘嘉莉到芝加哥谋生,并一步步进入上流社会的故事。文章通过生活的坎坷、爱情的失败和灵魂的孤独三个...