- 中国幼儿英语浸入式教学方法探究_英语论文.doc
中国幼儿英语浸入式教学方法探究_英语论文 On Immersion Approach to Children’s English Teaching in China 摘要 浸入式教学以英语作为教学用语贯穿于整个教学过程中,让儿童从小浸泡在英语环境中,充分利用儿童语言关键期学习语言,从而最终达到培养熟练掌握英、汉两种语言...
- 英语教育商品化趋势研究-以新东方少儿英语项目为例_英语论文.doc
英语教育商品化趋势研究-以新东方少儿英语项目为例_英语论文 Research on English education commercialization trend – Taking New Oriental English Children Project as an Example 摘要 随着全球化的发展。英语无疑将成为中国走向世界、进行合作的重要工具。因此,英语教育的重要性无言而喻...
- 以学生为中心的少儿英语课堂构建--以英孚和公立小学为例_英语教学论文
Abstract Being student-centered or teacher-centered in English teaching and learning activities has been a hot spot of argument in language education all the time. In order to make students develop fully and shape their qualities, we must put student...
- 剑桥少儿英语考试对少儿英语学习者英语学习的反拨效应实证研究
Abstract The Young Learners English (YLE) test is a worldwide authoritative language test developed by University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES). It conducts impact on young learners English teaching and learning, namely washback....