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  • 论垮掉的一代的自我救赎在《麦田里的守望者》中的反映_英语论文.doc
  • 论垮掉的一代的自我救赎在《麦田里的守望者》中的反映_英语论文 Reflections of the Self-salvation of the Beat Generation in The Catcher in the Rye 摘要 本论文从禅宗的深刻影响的角度探讨了垮掉的一代的自我救赎和《麦田里的守望者》所体现出的自我救赎的关系,以深受禅宗影响的...
  • “垮掉的一代”没有垮——简析《在路上》中年轻人的生活观
  • Abstract After the Second World War, the Americans were seriously affected by materialism and consumerism, being blind to human emotions and spiritual freedom. In On the Road, the Beat Generation are among the most sensitive ones who first detect the...
  • 从迪安·莫里亚提看美国垮掉的一代_英语文学论文
  • Abstract The Beat Generation is an anti-traditional literary movement including philosophy, culture and social life. In America after World War II, the Beat Generation, with strong rebellious spirit and liberalistic thought, tries to build their idea...
  • 通过约翰•列侬看垮掉的一代_商务英语论文
  • Abstract John Lennon was one of the most legendary musicians of the 20th century. He came to fame in the 1960sa decade of great social change. No other public figure summed up the youthful rebellion of that era quite so successfully. Meanwhile, there...
  • “垮掉的一代”的思想渊源--基于《在路上》的分析
  • Abstract After World War II, a new cultural and literary movement in America staked its claim on the nations consciousness and reached a climax in 1960s. People call this school of literature the Beat Generation. The Beat Generation has a profound an...
  • 王朔与杰克·克鲁亚克的反传统比较分析
  • 杰克•克鲁亚克(以下简称克鲁亚克)是二十世纪五十年代美国的“垮掉派”作家之一,被视为文学反叛者;王朔(以下简称王)是中国九十年代的著名作家,同样被视为文化反叛者。在美国,“垮掉派”作家自五十年代开始逐渐被人们熟悉和接受,并对全世界的反主...