- 中西文化互观下的姚木兰与斯佳丽形象比较分析_英语文学论文
- 摘要 《京华烟云》中的姚木兰和《乱世佳人》中的斯佳丽分别是中西文学史上富于典型意义和艺术生命力的经典女性形象,她们身上都负载着丰厚的文化内容,深刻体现了中西文化各自的特征...
- 《小妇人》——纯洁的心灵与自我完善的宣言_英语文学论文
- Abstract: The novel Little Women is Louisa May Alcotts (November 29, 1832March 6, 1888) most famous work. This novel was written in 1868, and it was based on her childhood experiences with her three sisters. This novel is very popular among children...
- 汉语婚丧文化词的翻译——以《京华烟云》为例_翻译专业英语论文
- 摘要: 近年来,随着中西方的密切交流,中国传统文化越来越多地被翻译成英文并传播到其他国家。在此背景下,传统文化的翻译工作显得尤为重要。婚丧文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分...
- 译者主体性及翻译策略对《京华烟云》翻译的影响_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract Lin Yutang was one of the greatest novelists in China and in western world. When he began to write Moment in Peking, Lin aimed at introducing Chinese culture and current realities in China to foreigners. His great contributions to literature...
- 探讨道、儒、佛家思想在《京华烟云》中的体现
- Abstract With the deepening of globalization, more and more foreigners feel like getting an insight into Chinese society and Chinese people. Moment in Peking, a classic in describing modern China, has once won the nomination for Nobel Prize for liter...
- 林语堂《京华烟云》中女性推崇观探究
- Abstract Lin Yutang (1895-1976) is an adept bilingual master when it comes to translation, edition and literature composition. His diversified cultural intake, belief system and life experience makes it possible for him to participate actively and fr...