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  • 电子商务时代旅游企业盈利模式分析_英语论文.doc
  • 电子商务时代旅游企业盈利模式分析_英语论文 An Analysis on Profit Models of Tourism Enterprise under the E-commerce Age 摘要 在经济迅猛发展的今天,旅游行业的发展也越来越迅速,各行各业开始进军电子商务市场。电子商务环境下,网络技术可以使旅游产业以相对较低的成本给消费者提供各种旅游信息及服务,但是旅游电子商务的运营能否成功和模式的选择有很大的关系。本文从旅游电子商...
  • 目的论视角下旅游文本的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract: Tourist texts play an important role in the development of tourism industry. Their translation is a purposeful action possessing the skopos of achieving cultural exchanges, realizing necessary linguistic conversions and facilitating aesthet...
  • 基于语境层次理论的旅游资料翻译研究:以南京夫子庙为例
  • Abstract: with the rapid development of world economy, travel to China is more and more popular for foreign visitors. To the visitors from other culture background, the mystery and colorful Chinese culture is very attractive. So the translation of to...
  • 旅游材料翻译中的文化因素_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract With the economic globalization, transnational tourism not only have become a popular hobby, but also become a powerful driving force to boost economic growth for a country. China has an outstanding historical culture of 5000 years, beautifu...