- 从三美的角度探究唐诗的英译-以《唐诗三百首》的许渊冲译本为例_英语论文
从三美的角度探究唐诗的英译-以《唐诗三百首》的许渊冲译本为例_英语论文 On the Translation of Tang Poetry from the Perspective of “Three Beauties”—Taking Xu Yuanchong’s Translated Version of 300 Tang Poems for Example 摘要 中国古典诗词的创作是一门艺术,是意境美、音韵美和形式美的和谐...
- 《唐诗三百首》许渊冲译本和Peter Harris译本中意象的翻译研究_英语论文.docx
《唐诗三百首》许渊冲译本和Peter Harris译本中意象的翻译研究 A Study on Image Translation in Xu Yuanchong’s and Peter Harris’s Translation of Three Hundred Tang Poems 摘要 唐朝是中国最鼎盛的朝代之一,拥有繁荣的经济和文化。唐诗是中国文化中宝贵的财富,很多外国读者渴望能够了解...
- 浅析许渊冲本英译《唐诗三百首》的文化耦合_翻译专业英语论文
ABSTRACT Xu Yuanchong is a splendid one among the many scholars who engage in translation of ancient Chinese literature.His greatest achievement is that he translated poetry from Chinese to English and French, all in verse rhythm but not prose form.H...