- 网络流行语中隐喻的顺应性分析_商务英语论文
Abstract There are many online pop words that adopt the form of metaphor which have played an important role in rhetoric, thus to achieve the effect of humor and vivid. Its connotation not only embodies a kind of cultural phenomenon, but also implies...
- 中英公益广告中的隐喻比较研究_商务英语论文
Abstract At present, there are all kinds of natural disasters and social problems. But governments have no ability to solve these problems all by themselves. They also need the participation of the public. As a result, Public Service Advertisements (...
- 从隐喻角度看英汉中的性别歧视_商务英语论文
Abstract: Linguistics is developing rapidly. Since 1960s, social linguists have been studying the language-related social phenomenon. Along with the rise of Western womens liberation movement, and inspired by racism, linguistic sexism gradually recei...
- 金融英语语篇中的隐喻及其翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 隐喻作为一种常见的修辞手法,其用词或词组替代事物或概念起着替代作用。隐喻亦是一种根本的思想方式,也就是说,通常隐喻是人类思想及活动的概念体系。随着经济发展,隐喻与人...
- 隐喻英译策略研究_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 隐喻作为语言中一种普遍存在的现象,主要是通过跨领域的映射来表达新的内涵,从而使表达更加生动、富有感染力。隐喻的本质就是用一种事物的理解去体验另一种事物,它有三个必不...
- 论莎剧中隐喻的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 隐喻是一种改变语义的过程,它不仅仅只是一种修辞手法,它贯穿于一切语言之中,且越来越广泛地应用于我们的日常生活中,而中西方各自的隐喻有其特殊的含义,故歧义和误解在所难...
- 论隐喻和英语一词多义的关系_商务英语论文
摘要 作为热门的研究课题,一词多义和隐喻一直都受到语言学家们的关注,特别是致力于认知语言学研究的语言学家们。一词多义展现了语言的经济原则和灵活性原则。斯威特(尹小敏: 2010)说...
- 从认知角度分析隐喻在英文商业广告中的应用_商务英语论文
摘要 在对隐喻的研究中,有两个从认知角度看隐喻的理论成为当代研究隐喻的焦点。其一是Lakoff和Johnson(1980)的人类隐喻性思维理论。他们认为隐喻在日常生活中无处不在,不仅存在于语言之中...
- 从水的隐喻看中西文化差异_商务英语论文
摘要 隐喻是一种普遍现象,传统的隐喻学研究把隐喻当作一种修辞手段,而现代隐喻学更把它看作是一种认知现象。大部分日常语言是隐喻的,我们的思维也是隐喻的。隐喻已经成为我们认识...
- 中英词汇中隐喻文化差异比较以及对英语词汇学习的启示_英语教学论文
Abstract Metaphor traditionally is regarded as a figure of speech. Yet, according to the cognitive linguistics, metaphor is more of an essential way of thinking than merely a common language phenomenon. In the book Metaphors We Live By, Lakoff and Jo...
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