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  • 中国资本主义发展与英国相异的原因探索_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Britain is the first nation that developed capitalism in the world. With the development of capitalism economy, Britain enhanced its comprehensive national strength. Finally, Britain became a world power on which the sun never set. China tri...
  • 英国绅士文化与美国牛仔文化的比较分析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract The British culture and American culture are the typical representatives and two pillars of Western culture, which have long history and possess their own unique characteristics. Culturally, every country has its typical cultural image and b...
  • 英国在欧洲的孤立危机探究及其影响_商务英语论文
  • Abstract In 2011, the European sovereign-debt crisis swept across many parts of Europe. With its trend being increasingly fierce, a large number of UK citizens have expressed their demand that Great Britain should withdraw from the EU though Prime Mi...
  • 英国文化遗产保护研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Britain has a long history and owns much cultural heritage. All kinds of cultural heritage is currently preserved very well. This paper selects some of typical well-preserved sites of cultural and historical heritage, and briefly introduces...
  • 浅析英国下午茶的多维视角观察_商务英语论文
  • 摘要 英国下午茶文化是英国重要文化之一。在160多年前的英国维多利亚时代,公元1840年,一位名叫安娜的公爵夫人,她独自在窗前迷茫,不想度过寂寞的午后时光。于是,她邀来闺中密友,一...
  • 英国在欧洲的被边缘化分析_商务英语论文
  • 摘要 英国与其欧洲大陆的伙伴的关系一直充满微妙。英国往往被称为欧洲尴尬的伙伴。使英国与欧洲产生疏离感的不亲是狭长的英吉利海峡,更重要的是英国采取的对欧洲大陆的政治、经济政...
  • 对比分析英国与中国在餐饮方面的风俗习惯_商务英语论文
  • 摘要 不同国家和民族存在着各具特色的餐饮文化,中国与英美等西方国家对于饮食的观点和态度,餐饮内容及餐饮特点等方面都存在着显著的差异,本文选取西方国家中有代表性的英国来与中国进...
  • 中英两国餐桌礼仪差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Different table manners reflect the cultures, values and ways of thinking of different countries and regions. The tableware, the seating arrangements and the dining atmosphere are very important parts of table manners. This paper contrasts d...
  • 英国茶文化的特色_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Tea originated from China and then was spread to Britain. In the long-time development, unique British tea culture has formed. The afternoon tea is well-known around the world and their elegant customs and delicate desserts also gain a great...