- 浅析《指环王》中的个人英雄主义_商务英语论文
Abstract As for the development of individual heroism, there exist cultural, economic and historical reasons. Individual heroism is an important part of American culture. The core of the individual heroism is the perfect combination of individualism...
- 电影《指环王》中的北欧神话原型浅析_商务英语论文
Abstract The Norse mythology originated in the Scandinavian region which exerts a considerable influence on Western culture which is the foundation of the inspiration of the films,the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings. The trilogy is known as a grea...
- 《指环王》三部曲中的善与恶分析_英语文学论文
摘要 谈及西方的史诗魔幻小说,我们想到的往往是魔幻小说的始祖,由托尔金所创作的《指环王》三部曲----《魔戒同盟》,《双塔奇兵》,与《王者归来》。这三部作品对西方的文化产生了极...
- 从《指环王》《西游记》对比中美方价值观差异_英语文学论文
摘要: 《指环王》与《西游记》是中西方两本奇幻文学著作。细看这两部小说,就不难发现它们有诸多相似之处:都是描述一个团队为完成一桩神圣使命历尽千辛万苦的故事;沿途都有各种磨...
- 《指环王》中的生态学元素_英语文学论文
Abstract Researches on The Lord of the Rings book series is a subject that has been proceeding years amongst which studies on its ecological connotation are not rarely seen. The reason is that the whole book series is dripping with descriptions about...
- 奇幻作品中所反映的欧洲民族神话-以《指环王》为例
- 中西方人性观差异管窥—以《西游记》和《指环王》为例_英语文学论文
Abstract The western fancy novel the Lord of the Rings is regarded as the Journey to the West in western countries. Though these two works share great similarities in content and plot, huge culture differences are also revealed. Among those differenc...