- 母语负迁移对英语初学者的影响及对策分析_英语论文
- The Influence of Mother Tongue upon English Beginners Learning Phonetics and Its Countermeasures_英语论文 摘要 在经济全球化的时代,我们国家已经认识到学习英语的紧迫性与重要性,而在以汉语为主要语言的中国,真正会用英语进行正常交流的并不是很多。追究其主要原因,母语对学习者学习英语有很大的影响。正确的发音与语调是英语学习中不可或缺的前提条件。众所周知,中国学生学习外语的环...
- 母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响研究_英语论文
- On the Effects of Negative Transfer of the Native Language in Chinese-English Translation_英语论文 摘要 学术界越来越重视母语在二语习得中的地位。因为研究表明,母语在二语习得过程中会对学习者产生普遍的影响。这就是心理学中的“母语迁移现象” (L1 Transfer)。根据该理论,学习者母语的使用习惯会直接影响其二语习得。这种影响或是积极的促进作用或是消极的干扰作用。 根据教育心理学的...
- 母语负迁移影响下的语用失误_英语论文
- A Study on the Pragmatic Failure Caused by the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue_英语论文 摘要 随着全球化的发展,世界之间的距离缩短了,国家与国家之间的交流也变得更加频繁,但交流之间的误解、冲突常常使交流以失败而告终,这便成为了交流的最大阻碍。交流之间的误解与冲突常常是由于各种原因导致,但其中最大的原因之一便是语用失误。国内外学者也从语言知识、文化知识缺乏等多方...
- 母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响_英语论文
- 母语负迁移对汉英翻译的影响_英语论文 A Study of the Negative Transfer of Mother Tongue in Chinese-English Translation 摘要 母语迁移是指学习者已经掌握的第一语言即母语知识影响第二语言习得过程和发展的现象,一直是备受国内外学者关注的研究课题。其中母语因其与外语的相似成分而对外语习得产生的助益的、积极的影响称作正迁移,反之,两种语言的相异成分对外语习得造成的反面的、消...
- 英语专业学生汉英翻译中的母语句法负迁移_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract: Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis as well as under the help of Error Analysis, syntactic errors in an empirical study were analyzed to find their distribution and causes, which were caused by negative transfer o...
- 母语负迁移对初中生英语句法学习的影响及对策_英语教学论文
- Abstract: Based on the language transfer theory and previous research results, this paper starts with the English syntax, researching mother tongue negative transfer of English syntax on junior high school students. Using literature research method,...
- 浅谈母语负迁移对儿童二语习得的影响_英语教学论文
- Abstract: The Influence of native transfer in Second Language Acquisition is always an important area for linguists study, which is also the focus of the debate. In this paper, the author will analyze the impact on children's Second Language Acquisit...
- 非英语专业大学生英语写作中的母语负迁移现象_英语教学论文
- Abstract: This study is aimed to discuss the relationship between negative language transfer and Chinese non-English majors English writing. Based on language transfer and error analysis the author analyses errors occurring in 90 writing samples coll...
- 母语负迁移对大学英语写作的影响及应对策略_英语教学论文
- 摘 要 在中国高校,大学生学习的英语四项技巧听说读写中,写作是世人普遍认为最为复杂但亦是最能反馈出他们程度的一个较重要的技巧。相对于母语写作,学生的英文写作不但需要学生具有...
- 母语负迁移对英语专业生英语写作的影响_英语教学论文
- Abstract: Language transfer is a universal phenomenon language learners come across when they are learning a foreign language. Before language learners learn a foreign language, they have been using their mother language to communicate with each othe...