- 《理智与情感》和《爱玛》女主人公成长历程的比较_英语文学论文
Abstract: Jane Austen (1775-1817), one of Englands most famous novelists in the late 18th century and the early 19th century, realistically depicts the life and thoughts of British middle-class people at that time. Women's issues being her main conce...
- 从感性到理性—论爱玛的成长_英语文学论文
Abstract: Emma is Jane Austens masterpiece of her realistic novels, which is considered to be a fiction written in her most mature style with the best integrated structure. This paper aims to discuss the reasons for Emmas maturity from internal and e...
- 从《爱玛》和《理智与情感》看简.奥斯汀笔下的理性主义和理想主义_英语文学
Abstract Jane Austen, a 19th century English famous novelist, is one of the most influential women writers in the world's literary history, and her novels sweep the false romanticism trend in the early 19th century and develop the outstanding realist...
- 从小说《爱玛》主人公婚姻观看女性命运_英语文学论文
摘要: 本文通过对简.奥斯汀的小说《爱玛》中三位女性主人公进行分析,反映出女性的三种不同类型的婚姻观:爱玛追求婚姻的客观完美性;简.费尔法克斯追求婚姻的传统性;哈利特.史密斯...
- 浅析《包法利夫人》中爱玛的悲剧原因_英语文学论文
Abstract Madame Bovary is the French writer Gustave Flauberts representative novel. This paper focuses on analysis of the reasons of Emmas tragedy from Madame Bovary. It is hoped that such a study could help people understand the reasons of tragedy o...
- 《爱玛》中爱玛的人物形象分析_英语文学论文
摘要 《爱玛》作为世界文学史上最具影响力的女性文学家之一的简奥斯汀作品,它被认为是其作品中艺术上思想上最成熟的一部。本文研究分析了《爱玛》主人公的形象性格,对女主人公爱玛怎...
- 浅析简•奥斯汀《爱玛》中的婚姻观_英语文学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to make an analysis on Jane Austens Views of Marriage in Emma. Emma is regarded as the last achieved work of Jane Austen; of all her novels, the one which represents her relatively mature vie...
- 论奥斯丁女性主义观点在《爱玛》中的体现_英语文学论文
摘 要 简奥斯丁在英国文学中占有公认的经典地位,她是英国小说伟大传统的缔造者之一。尽管她的小说通常取材于琐碎的家庭生活,然而两百多年来一代代读者不断从奥斯丁笔下的狭小世界中...
- 《爱玛》女主人公价值观分析及其社会成因_英语文学论文
Abstract Emma may not be the most popular one of all Jane Austens novels, but undoubtedly its the most mature one in style and the most complete one in structure. In this novel, the authors understandings of reality, reflections of life and the use o...
- 从《爱玛》看简•奥斯丁女性意识的局限性_英语文学论文
摘 要: 英国现实主义小说家简奥斯丁的作品多以刻画和描写英国乡村家庭女性的婚姻和生活为主。本文首先对《爱玛》中女主人公身上所折射出的女性意识进行分析归纳,其中包括爱玛敢于担...
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