- 《爱玛》主人公的性格缺陷分析_英语文学论文
摘 要 《爱玛》是简奥斯丁的代表作之一,小说突破传统,塑造了一个不完美的女主人公形象。爱玛虽聪明、漂亮、热心,却又自私武断、势利虚荣、保守固执、自负爱嫉妒。本文详细分析了爱...
- 《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白与《爱玛》中爱玛的性格比较研究
摘 要 英国现实主义作家简奥斯丁(1775年1817年)受启蒙思想的影响,既崇尚理性,又不贬低感情,主张情与理的结合。在其代表作《傲慢与偏见》,《爱玛》中,对人物的塑造都是通过对中心...
- 《爱玛》中爱玛的性格分析_英语文学论文
Abstract Jane Austen, is a famous British female novelists, her works mainly focus on womens marriage and life of the squire family. She wrote many famous novels in her short life, such as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice and so on. This re...
- 《爱玛》的两个中文译本异化和归化的比较研究_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 近年来,随着国际文化交往的日趋频繁,翻译的重心逐渐从语言转移到了文化上,异化和归化作为处理文化问题的两种方法,在中西方翻译界引起了激烈的争论。本文首先对异化和归化相...
- 《爱玛》中爱玛和《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的比较研究_英语文学论文
Abstract The feminism approach to literature is considered to be an important way of interpreting literary works. Showalter points out the female identity to interpret the progress of female writers in self-awareness and writing experience. In this t...
- 《爱玛》的性格及行为研究_英语文学论文
Abstract Emma is one of Jane Austens works about female growth in the British literary history. Emma is a character who is self-centered with so many shortcomings, and became a mature woman and often considered about others after her personalities re...
- 从女性主义角度分析《爱玛》中的女主人公
Abstract: Emma is written by renowned British writer Jane Austen in 1815, which is the most mature in the ideas and the arts in all her novels. This novel reflects profoundly her feminine consciousness. The heroine of Emma, Emma Woodhouse is a beauti...
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