- 语境对词汇语义的语用制约_商务英语论文
Abstract Context plays an important role in expressing and understanding semantic contents. Except the situation context and the linguistic context, it also includes cognitive context, which is generally the presumption of the world and the conceptua...
- 语用学视角下的言外之意与语境_商务英语论文
[摘要] 作为语言学的重要分支,语用学已经成为语言学的前沿领域,也将成为语言学今后的发展方向。随着语用学研究的不断发展,关于语境与语意的研究也随之获得了迅速发展。语意在不同语境...
- 论语境在文学翻译中的作用——以《傲慢与偏见》为例_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Translation, which involves translating meaning, has been believed to take place between languages for centuries. Language, as a social phenomenon, is only used in a specific environment, that is, a context in a certain society. Context pla...
- 语境视角下中美商务谈判的僵局策略究_商务英语论文
摘 要 随着世界经济全球化的发展,中国与西方国家的往来日益加深,尤其是美国这一经济大国。中美两国的交往尤其体现在中美两国的商务往来,在商务交往中商务谈判是必不可少,同时也是...
- 语境与中学英语词汇教学_英语教学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: The thesis aims to find out the relationship between context and middle school English vocabulary teaching in order to suggest an orientation to the vocabulary teaching in middle school English teaching by making us...
- 《红楼梦》回目中双关翻译的语境研究_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 《红楼梦》是中国文学史上一个值得深入的、多方面研究学习的文学著作。其中回目作为一个章节的点睛之笔和吸引读者的重要标志,其翻译及其研究具有重要意义。本文即从《红楼梦...
- 论语境在英语翻译中的重要性_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Language is a communication tool. Language communicative activities cannot be separated from the communication environment, which is context. Thus, the context is part of the language; language cannot be separated from the context. Translat...
- 语境视角下的网络四字成语变异研究_商务英语论文
Abstract: Internet language is a media language which is created and used by netizens in online communication. Internet language has received widespread attention in peoples everyday life from all works of life. It is worthwhile to note that the inte...
- 论语境对词义的影响
Abstract: Context plays a vital role in linguistic studies and it has become the necessary condition of understanding and translating word meanings. During these years' English study, I found that students are unable to grasp the exact meaning of wor...
- 从语境角度分析《卖花女》中的对话
Abstract: Language is the most important tool for people to interact with each other. The listener and speaker can only communicate freely and understand the intension of ones words when in an appropriate context. Context has an effect on the way peo...
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