- 在高中英语课堂教学中培养学生自主学习的策略_英语教学论文
- [摘要] 促进学习者自主学习是近二十年来外语教学界的热门话题。中国教育部在2000年颁发的《基础教育阶段新英语课程标准》中把培养高中生自主学习英语的能力作为英语学习教学的主要目标...
- 英语学习动机与英语自主学习_英语教学论文
- Abstract This paper mainly focused on the discussion of the relation between motivation of learning English as a foreign language and English autonomous learning. It aimed at exploring effective methods of stimulating students learning motivation to...
- 基于形成性评价而探究培养大学生英语自主学习能力的方法_英语教学论文
- Abstract Assessment as a tool of English teaching exerts a great influence on English teaching. Formative assessment emphasizes teaching process, which uses many kinds of ways to evaluate the education and it is an important way to reform the traditi...
- 浅谈新课改下初中英语教学中学生自主学习能力的培养_英语教学论文
- Abstract With the new curriculum reform being deepened constantly, constructing more efficient class has become the inevitable trend in middle school English teaching. Advocating autonomous learning is a revolution of the educational conception, whic...
- 论飞信在英语自主学习中的作用—以大学英语翻译教学为例_英语教学论文
- Abstract: Although there are so many advantages in the application of multimedia technology to language teaching, it is a pity that in todays college English classes, few teachers are able to integrate the modern education technology into their langu...
- 大学英语阅读教学中的自主学习模式研究_英语教学论文
- Abstract: With the in-depth of national educational reform, more attention has been paid to autonomous learning. Besides, English reading is very important for students to broaden their horizon and foster their ability to use the language. However, m...
- 大学英语网络自主学习模式_英语教学论文
- Abstract: As science advanced, network is playing a more and more important role in our life. This study tends to explore a comprehensive model on a combination of autonomous learning with network technology. Based on the collected material, it can b...