- 英语作为第二语言的全球扩张与文化渗透分析_英语论文
英语作为第二语言的全球扩张与文化渗透分析_英语论文 An Analysis on Worldwide Expansion and Cultural Infiltration of English as a Second Language 摘要 一系列的历史和现实因素促使英语在全球范围内持续扩张,英语作为国际通用语的地位也得到了确立和巩固,并被许多国家作为第一外语或第二语言进行学习和使用。英语在不断扩张的过程中,既为国际交流提供了便利,带来经济发展,政治合作及文...
- 以学生为中心的第二语言课堂_英语教学论文
Abstract In order to raise teaching efficiency and improve teaching quality, it is important for foreign language teachers to put the students in the right place in the L2 classroom. That is student-centered learning. By analyzing the current situati...
- 第二语言写作中的同伴反馈有效性调查_英语教学论文
Abstract: It is widely accepted that second language writing (L2 writing) is of vital importance to L2 learning. To learn L2 writing well, the crucial element of peer feedback has to be taken into consideration. So it is worthwhile to explore the eff...