- 汉英广告语翻译中的语用失误研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With the deepening of the international globalization, advertisement plays a significant role in the world economy. Based on Jenny Thomas theory about Pragmatic Failure which is to be exerted in several cases of advertisement translation,...
- 中国英语学习者的跨文化语用失误_英语教学论文
摘要: 随着信息全球化快速发展,来自不同地区和文化背景的人交流越来越频繁。跨文化交际已成为当今世界的一个重要特性。本文在跨文化语用失误的理论概述的基础上,分析语用失误的表...
- 跨文化交际中的语用失误及其策略分析_商务英语论文
摘 要 当今社会,世界变得越来越全球化,人们之间的交流也变得越来越频繁。随着经济贸易的全球化,这个世界已经变成一个不可分割的整体。由于人们之间存在文化背景,价值观,民族习俗...
- 论化妆品商标翻译语用失误_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 近来,随着国际贸易发展更快,商品商标的翻译变得更具挑战,而翻译引起了许多的问题,例如语法错误。语用失误是翻译中最常见的问题。随着化妆品流入其它国家,商标翻译中的语...
- 论跨文化交际中礼貌用语的语用失误_商务英语论文
Abstract: Polite expressions are an important part of human language. It is also an important means of coordinating interpersonal relations and promoting successful communication. Manners are widespread in all kinds of languages and cultures, and peo...
- 礼貌原则下跨文化交际语用失误探析_商务英语论文
Abstract Politeness is a universal phenomenon which can be observed in all society and recognized as a social contract in all cultures. Politeness has long been considered to be an important linguistic research field, and many scholars both at home a...
- 跨文化交际中语用失误的原因分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Pragmatic failure is a common phenomenon in the course of cross-cultural communication. It can be divided into two types: pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure. This paper, by analyzing some cases of pragmatic failure in cross-...
- 英语导游在跨文化交际中的语用失误分析_商务英语论文
摘要: 随着社会的进步与发展,来自不同地区、文化背景以及不同领域的人们越来越多的生活、工作在一起,因此使跨文化交流日益频繁。与此同时,跨境旅游日益兴起,并逐渐成为潮流。英...
- 语用失误的多视角审视_英语教学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Pragmatic failure, as a form of unsuccessful communication, has been investigated by many scholars. Previous studies approached this issue from different perspectives and laid a solid foundation for further research....
- 中国英语学习者的英语礼貌语语用失误_英语教学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: This paper investigates the differences between Chinese and English polite language from six aspects: addressing terms, greetings, partings, compliments, apologies and gratitude, which give rise to Chinese learners pr...
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