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  • 二语习得中的年龄因素_英语教学论文
  • Abstract: Age factor in Second Language Acquisition has always been a controversial issue. This paper tries to analyze the different performances, advantages and disadvantages in phonetic, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic acquisitions by comparing t...
  • 母语在初中英语教学中的作用研究_英语教学论文
  • 摘 要 近年来,越来越多的人开始注重用英语来教授英语。而笔者认为母语在英语教学中的作用不容小觑。如何在初中英语教学中有效地使用母语是本论文的主要研究方向。本文根据语言习得理...
  • 中介语石化现象初探_商务英语论文
  • Abstract:Foreign language learners language interlanguage may fossilize at any stage when it develops from the learners mother tongue of its development and greatly influences the proficiency of target language with the errors of pronunciation, gra...
  • 输出假设在二语习得中的重要性_英语教学论文
  • Abstract With the higher demands of English majors, it is necessary for them to be strict with themselves in second language acquisition (SLA). Viewed from the SLA, three fundamental elements are involved: input, intake and output respectively. And o...
  • 二语习得中的年龄因素的研究_英语教学论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Nowadays, research into the influence of learners individual differences on their second language learning has been one of the main topics in the second language acquisition (SLA) filed, and the effect of age differen...
  • 关于母语在二语习得中积极作用的调查研究_英语教学论文
  • 摘要: 众所周知,第二语言的学习会受到母语的影响,母语与第二语言的关系常常是各类研究的主题。然而,母语经常被认为是二语习得过程中的障碍。事实上,母语不能仅仅被看作是一种干...
  • 初学者二语习得动机的培养_英语教学论文
  • Abstract: This paper aims to find efficient approaches to cultivate starters motivation in second language learning. Based on some previous researches on second language learning and the analysis of starters cognitive features in China, the author tr...
  • 论二语习得的情感因素及其对英语教学的暗示_英语教学论文
  • Abstract: With the rapid all-round development in China in the last decades, the use of foreign language has become increasingly widespread in our daily life and social communication. Many learners have got an urgent need to learn a foreign language...