- 语用学视角下法律英语模糊性研究_英语论文
- A Study on Vagueness of Legal English Based on Pragmatics_英语论文 摘要 法律英语是在立法,司法以及执法过程中不断形成的一门归约性极强的语言分支,有其自身所特有的特征——要求遣词造句尽可能越精确越好。然而,事实却往往相反,在各种立法条例以及司法案例中一直存在着数量巨大的模糊表达现象。 法律英语对语言要求自然是越严谨越佳,然而立法者实际上却更倾向于在法律英语...
- 简明英语运动下的商务法律文献简明化_英语论文
- 简明英语运动下的商务法律文献简明化_英语论文 Study on Simplifying Business Law Documents under the Guidance of Plain English Movement 摘要 为了加深对商务法律英语简明化的理解,探寻合适的简明化方法,本文首先对简明英语的基本原则进行了具体阐释,进而就如何进行商务法律英语简明化这一问题提出初步建议,从词汇层面来看,应慎用专业术语和外来词汇,尽量使用较为通俗易懂的现代英文...
- 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的文体学特点_英语论文
- 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的文体学特点_英语论文 Stylistic Features of Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 摘要 《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(以下简称《公约》)的达成,减少了国际贸易的法律障碍,促进了国际经济新秩序的形成,在国际贸易中具有重要意义。本文结合《公约》具体规定,对其文体特征进行了分析。本文从词汇特征、句法特征以及语篇特征...
- 法律英语的词汇特征研究_英语论文.doc
- 法律英语的词汇特征研究_英语论文 A Study on the Lexical Features of Legal English 摘要 在中国的对外开放政策的影响下,随着国际贸易交流愈加频繁,对外法律文化交流的日益增加,法律英语的学科地位便显得愈来愈重要。然而法律英语作为一种特殊用途英语,有着许多与日...
- 顺应论视角下法律英语被动语态的汉译.docx
- 被动语态在法律英语中运用广泛,但对于法律英语中被动语态的汉译研究始终停留在语法层面,很少有研究涉及文化及语用层面。比利时语言学家维索尔伦的语言顺应理论为我们探讨法律英语中被动语态的翻译提供良好的理论基础。该理论认为语言的使用是选择和顺应...
- 法律英语的语言特征及法律英语词汇习得_商务英语论文
- Abstract Legal English is an instrumental language which is quite distinct from ordinary English. After entering WTO, there is a sharp increase of legal affairs involving foreign elements. Legal English, as a customary language of law, has special ch...
- 法律英语准确性与模糊性刍议_商务英语论文
- Abstract Legal English is a kind of English widely used in legislation and judicature in common law countries. As a branch of customary language, legal English has its own specific linguistic features. Based on the present achievements on stylistics,...
- 法律英语中情态动词的语用功能和翻译技巧_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract In the writing of English legal texts, whether the drafters or the translators of law texts can use modal verbs accurately and skillfully or not usually reflect their ability of mastering and applying legal language. In this paper, the autho...
- 浅析法律英语的词汇特点及其翻译_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract This paper mainly studies the lexical characteristics of legal English and combines with specific cases to sum up the useful methods of legal documents translation. Through the study of foreign words (including words from Old French and Lati...
- 功能对等理论在法律英语翻译中的应用_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract This paper endeavors to analyze the guiding role functional equivalence can play in legal translation. By introducing the features of legal English, related translation theories and the principles of legal translation, it points out function...