- 论《德伯家的苔丝》中的象征手法_英语文学论文
Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the symbolism in Tess of the DUrbervilles. On the one hand, among natural symbols, bird symbolizes mood of the heroine and cow is the symbolic spectator of society; white flower expresses Tesss purity and short-li...
- 象征手法在《了不起的盖茨比》中的运用_英语文学论文
Abstract: Francis Scott Fitzgerald, a famous American novelist in twentieth century, occupies an important position in American literary circles. He is the writer of the lost generation and the poet of the Jazz Time. The Great Gatsby, a masterpiece o...
- 《隐形人》中象征手法对主题的凸显作用_英语文学论文
Abstract Ralph Ellison, a famous contemporary African-American writer, is also one of the most influential American novelists in the twentieth century. Through seven years hard working, he created and then published the novel Invisible Man in 1952. T...
- 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中象征手法的运用_英语文学论文
Abstract Symbolism is an influential movement of literature in Europe in the field of visual arts between 1885 and 1910. With the preference to the subjectivity, symbolism discards the objectivity, and it aims to suggest ideas through multi-vocal and...
- 美国梦追求与破灭——浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中象征手法的运用_英语文学论
Abstract Francis Scott Fitzgerald is a representative novelist of the Lost Generation in American literature. The Great Gatsby, one of Fitzgeralds masterpieces, helps him establish his status in literature. This novel makes a vivid description of the...
- 《小城畸人》中的象征手法运用_英语文学论文
Abstract Winesburg, Ohio, one of Andersons great works, deals with the spiritual crisis experienced by the people in extreme isolation in a Midwest town in Winesburg. This paper studies the employment of symbols in short stories collected in Winesbur...
- 《推销员之死》中象征手法的运用_英语文学论文
Abstract Arthur Miller is considered as one of the most distinguished contemporary American playwrights. His plays explore themes of individual and social commitment, familial relationships, and moral obligation. Death of a Salesman in 1949 brought M...
- 论罗伯特·弗罗斯特诗歌中的象征手法_英语文学论文
[摘要] 罗伯特弗罗斯特是20世纪美国文学的一位伟大诗人。他的诗歌主要以新英格兰乡村为背景,描绘美丽的自然风景和人民淳朴的生活,充满田园情趣。象征手法是弗罗斯特诗歌中的一大亮点...
- 论《摸彩》与《药》中象征手法的运用_英语文学论文
摘要: 《摸彩》是美国作家雪莉杰克逊的一篇著名的短篇小说,通过运用象征的手法深刻地揭示出资本主义体制下人性的扭曲异化,反映了战后资本主义社会的情况。《药》是鲁迅的著名短篇...
- 《双城记》中象征手法的分析
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