- 基于结构功能主义的《灿烂千阳》女性形象解构分析_英语论文.docx
- 女性主义视觉下《觉醒》与《紫色》中男性自我觉醒意识的对比分析_英语论文
A Contrastive Analysis of Men’s Self-Awakening in The Awakening and The Color Purple from the Perspective of Feminism 摘要 女性主义研究经历了两百年的历程,推动了世界文学的研究与发展。它以文学中的女性形象为中心,通过对女性的言行举止以及成长经历各方面的分析,发掘女性的魅力与...
- 从凯特.肖邦的《觉醒》透析女权主义
Abstract Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. It originated during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century when women started to realiz...
- 《紫色》和《觉醒》中的妇女主义比较_英语文学论文
Abstract Womanism is defined as a social theory deeply rooted in the racial and gender oppression of Black women. As time went by, this kind of theory extends to all women rather than just the Black. In this thesis, the author makes a comparison betw...
- 论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒_英语文学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Kate Chopin is the feminist pioneer in the 19th century in America. The Awakening is Kate Chopins masterpiece, which has caused great sensation and shocks. The novel reveals the process of the heroine Edna pursuing fr...
- 浅析《觉醒》中艾德娜的悲剧_英语文学论文
Abstract The Awakening is a masterpiece of the famous American novelist Kate Chopin. The novel describes the living condition of the women in the 19th century through the protagonist---Ednas spiritual journey. Edna doesnt satisfy with the dull and ma...
- 《觉醒》女主人公-爱德娜追求自我的过程_英语文学论文
摘要 在《觉醒》中,作者凯特肖邦描写了一个已有两个孩子的28岁的年轻少妇,在多种因素的影响下,自我意识逐渐觉醒,走上一条违背传统妇道的离经叛道之路,无拘无悔且不顾一切地追求...
- 论凯特肖邦《觉醒》中女主人公自我意识的觉醒_英语文学论文
摘要 艾德娜是19世纪美国女权主义作家肖邦的传世之作《觉醒》中的女主人公。她不甘扮演贤妻良母的角色,欲摆脱男权统治,寻求独立于自我。面对强大的阻力,在无法实现理想时,艾德娜...
- 试析艾德娜的觉醒过程_英语文学论文
摘要: 《觉醒》是美国女作家凯特肖班的作品,它讲述了主人公艾德娜在父权社会中从自我意识苏醒,到觉醒后的行为转变直至最终走向自杀的过程。本文从女性主义理论视角出发,从分析艾...
- 《觉醒》中男权社会和女性主义的对比研究_英语文学论文
Abstract Kate Chopin is an American famous female writer in the 19th century. The Awakening, one long story, is her best works, which describes the awakening of female self-consciousness. This paper aims to analyze three male characters and three fem...
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