- 从《唐山大地震》和《独立日》分析中美灾难片的异同_商务英语论文
Abstract With the continuous development of entertainment industry, the film business presents an ascendant sight, with more and more people's passion for film growing. Films based on natural disasters and alien invasion burst into vitality. Aiming a...
- 当代美国灾难片中的生物技术滥用主题探讨_商务英语论文
Abstract In the current time, there are more and more films which are about the disaster in America. Meanwhile, the abuse of biotechnology has become the topic for these disaster films in recent years. This thesis aims to explore the abuse of biotech...
- 透析美国灾难片中的人文主义关怀_商务英语论文
摘要 灾难片用高超的特技表现天灾人祸降临之际的恐慌和动乱场面,同时用电影表现的形式演绎人们在灾难来临时不顾个人安危,为朋友、亲人、爱人甚至陌生人牺牲自己,保全他人的伟大奉...