- 《我的名字叫红》中的叙事技巧_英语文学论文
Abstract: This paper aims to study the narrative techniques employed in the novel of My Name Is Red. The paper first introduces the novel My Name Is Red and its author Orhan Pamuk and then discusses the narrative techniques employed in the novel resp...
- 对“细密画”的背叛亦或拯救——从《我的名字叫红》看文明冲突下的阵痛
Abstract The Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk concerns about the relationship between vulnerable civilization and dominant western civilization. He tries to seek a way out for vulnerable civilization. In his masterpiece My name is Red, Pamuk rejects the ab...
- 土耳其文化与《我的名字叫红》中英译文的对比研究_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 奥尔罕帕慕克被认为是当代欧洲最核心的三位文学家之一,是享誉国际的土耳其文坛巨擘。于2005年荣获得德国书业和平奖,并被提名诺贝尔文学奖。他的作品已被译成50多种语言出版,并售...