- 从对等理论角度对电子产品营销材料的翻译分析_英语论文
摘要 今日之世界,中国的经济实力蒸蒸日上,国际地位不断强化,跨境贸易成为了中国适应经济全球化潮流的重要一步。在此背景下,如何翻译出精准高效的营销材料是翻译工作者迫切需要解决的问题。 本文从功能对等的角度,以国内知名电子企业的营销资料为例,探讨了营销资料英译的特点和难点。本文首先简要介绍了营销材料的定义和已有的研究成果。在此之后,阐述了功能对等理论...
- 对等翻译理论下看Fingersmith及其译本_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract In light of Eugene A. Nidas theory of equivalence, this thesis makes an analytic study of the translation of the novel Fingersmith written by Sarah Waters, with the aim to prove the feasibility of the theory in literary translation, especial...
- 功能对等理论和信达雅翻译理论的比较_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Accurate translation is vital along with the global interactions. Different translation theories will bring different consequences. The thesis mainly studies two translation theories. One is the functional equivalence proposed by Nida,the...
- 基于对等理论的翻译文本比较研究——以《简爱》为例_英语文学论文
Abstract Jane Eyre is the masterpiece of Charlotte Bront,who is a famous Britain writer. It is an autobiography. This book is popular all over the world, so there have a lot of researches about its translation. Among many translation theories, Euge...