- 基于关联理论的英式幽默研究——以《哈利•波特》为例_英语文学论文
Abstract Humor is an abstract concept. It is not only rich in cultural connotations, but also a mean of cultural dissemination. British humor is a general term for the humorous verbal expressions or actions produced in the United Kingdom and some of...
- 论词汇空缺应对策略在哈利•波特魔幻词语汉译中的运用_翻译专业英语论文
[摘 要] 本文采用对比的研究方法,从词汇空缺现象的定义入手,寻找魔幻词汇的词汇空缺出现的原因及此类词汇翻译的难点,而后对其进行分类讨论。以探讨《哈利波特》系列小说中文版中的...
- 解读《哈利•波特》中纳西莎•马尔福的形象
Abstract Harry Potter became popular around the world and scholars studied the phenomenon from various perspective. However, scholars were focus on the heroes and heroines, while they neglected the supporting roles. Few researches have done further s...
- 论《哈利•波特》中的原型
摘要 英国女作家罗琳创作的《哈利波特》系列自1997年6月30日发行以来,在世界范围内获得了巨大的成功,受到广大读者的推崇。本文主要运用荣格的原型理论,从更为宏观的角度解读作品中的...
- 《哈利•波特》中女性形象分析_英语文学论文
摘 要 英国女作家JK罗琳的《哈利波特》系列小说不仅仅取得了商业上的成功,同时也在文学方面多层次、多角度地映射了当代社会生活。小说中的人物性格刻画生动、极富研究价值,其中许多...
- 《哈利•波特》中狼人卢平的角色分析_英语文学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: This paper mainly analyzes the werewolf---Lupin in the series of magic fictions Harry Potter, in which Lupin shows his distinctive features as a responsible and rational warrior against the dark force, a good teacher...
- 《哈利•波特》主角背后的原型_英语文学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: The Harry Potter series are created by English writer, J. K. Rowling. Harry Potter learns magic in Hogwarts and gradually steps into a mysterious world he never knows. The series reshow the myth and epic which were po...
- 《哈利•波特》中伏地魔的人物性格研究_英语文学论文
摘要: 伏地魔是英国女作家乔安娜凯瑟琳罗琳创作的《哈利波特》系列小说中的反派人物。很多国内外学者研究伏地魔这个反角,但大部分都是从反面批判这一角色,不够全面。本文试图从客...
- 从接受美学角度研究《哈利•波特》魔法术语翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 近年来,《哈利波特》系列小说在中国流行,吸引了大量儿童和成年读者。《哈利波特》中有大量魔法术语,翻译工作比较困难,这些魔法术语大多数来自拉丁语的词根,或者很多魔法...
- 《哈利•波特》的英雄与反英雄_英语文学论文
Abstract Harry potter is written by the British writer, J.K.Rowling. The story happens in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. And the first six books describe Harrys daily life and adventures at school. The last one contains Harrys experience...