- 论《卡斯特桥市长》中的女性物化现象
Abstract The Mayor of Casterbridge, belonging to the selection of the Environment and Character novels, is a masterpiece of Thomas Hardy. In Victorian Era, especially the mid-Victorian times, the economy of Britain reached its peak. Before the Indust...
- 从《卡斯特桥市长》看哈代的悲剧深度_英语文学论文
Abstract: At the end of the nineteenth century, the distinguished British critical realist writer Thomas Hardy created a great long tragic novel The mayor of Casterbridge: A Story of a Man of Character. The novel tells the story of how the hero Micha...
- 生态女性主义视野中的《卡斯特桥市长》研究_英语文学论文
摘要 托马斯哈代 (1840-1928)是横跨19和20世纪的英国维多利亚时代著名的批判现实主义小说家和诗人,尤以其性格与环境小说威赛克斯小说集而著名。哈代通过作品表达了对自然与女性的双重关注...