- 从大众对汽车的选择看美国社会价值观的变化_商务英语论文
Abstract America is known as a country on wheels. Cars penetrate every aspect of Americans life. Americans car choices changed with the development of times during their more than one hundred years of car use history. What factors will Americans cons...
- 通过可口可乐广告语变化看社会主流价值观_商务英语论文
Abstract In the hundred years development of Coca-cola, advertising plays a critical role. The close to market advertising strategies build the most valuable brand position. Advertisement language is a clear way to locate the brand market. Through a...
- 从当今美国的社会价值观中看古希腊神话的痕迹_商务英语论文
摘要 美国和欧洲大陆虽然相隔甚远,但是殖民扩张,宗教传播等一系列的原因使得美国文化和欧洲文化有一定的相似之处,而古希腊文化又是欧洲文化的开端,因此,研究美国社会价值观和古...