- 政治演讲中的模糊语探析_英语论文
政治演讲中的模糊语探析_英语论文 On Fuzzy Language in Political Speeches 摘要 语言是心理活动的外部表征,是人们互相之间沟通的重要工具,但是模糊性在语言中的表现并不少见。一些人曾对模糊语进行过研究,而本文将对政治演讲中的模糊语进行深入的探析。本文先是叙述了模糊语的定义、分类和特征,然后叙述了政治演讲的定义和特点,接着叙述了在政治演讲中使用的一些模糊技巧...
- 从语域理论角度分析政治演讲的翻译_英语论文
从语域理论角度分析政治演讲的翻译_英语论文 On the Translation of Political Addresses from the Perspective of Register Theory 摘要 政治演讲的翻译是国外人士了解中国的重要途径,而语域理论有助译者准确译出演讲内容。这篇论文着重分析了政治演讲的语言特点,并以语域理论为指导,以习近平在反法西斯战争胜利70周年上重要讲话的翻译为主要研究对象,从语域理论三要素:语场,语旨和语式...
- 从概念隐喻的角度分析奥巴马的政治演讲_英语论文
从概念隐喻的角度分析奥巴马的政治演讲_英语论文 The Conceptual Metaphor-Based Analysis of Barack Obama’s Political Speeches 摘要 概念隐喻与人类认知和行为密切相关。该论文在概念隐喻理论的指导下,以奥巴马总统的两篇就职演讲(2009 / 2013)和六篇国情咨文(2010-2015)为语料,从结构隐喻,方位隐喻、本体隐喻三个方面分析奥巴马演讲中的概念隐喻,并在此基础之上进一步探索相关概念隐...
- 论论政治演讲中的概念隐喻-以奥巴马第二次就职演讲为例_英语论文.doc
论政治演讲中的概念隐喻-以奥巴马第二次就职演讲为例_英语论文 A Study on Conceptual Metaphor in Political Speeches - A Case of Obama’s Second Inaugural Speech 政治演讲表明演讲者的政治观点和立场,以达到说服公众接受并支持自己的观点为目的。但是政治是抽象并且复杂的。演讲者为...
- 英文政治演讲中模糊限制语的语用研究_商务英语论文
Abstract As a significant member of vague language, hedges play their specific role in various kinds of languages, such as in business discourses, diplomatic negotiations, scientific articles, news reports, advertisements, and legal texts. Political...
- 政治演讲的翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract English political speeches are an important cultural phenomenon of the western society. As an important weapon in the political struggle, English political speeches play a significant role in clarifying government stance on internal and exte...
- 希拉里•克林顿的政治演讲中概念隐喻的分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Political speech can demonstrate governmental views and expectations and persuade the public to agree with the delivered opinions on politics. Political speech has its significant features. It can not be very direct and concrete, so metaphor...
- 英语政治演讲中模糊语言的分析-以奥巴马总统的每周演讲为例_商务英语论文
Abstract The American cybernetics expert named L.A. Zadeh proposed Fuzzy Sets Theory in 1965, which marked a new generation of fuzzy theory. After that, scholars have made a great number of researches on vague language at home and abroad. In recent y...