- 从语用对等谈英语幽默的翻译—以《经济学人》中国专栏报道为例_翻译专业英
摘要 幽默是语言艺术的体现,并且在交流中扮演了非常重要的角色。由于意识形态、社会价值观、政治制度以及民俗民风的不同,幽默在东方文明中所表达出来的形式和在西方文明中是不同的...
- 关联理论视角下英语幽默的汉译策略研究——以《老友记》对白为例_翻译专业
Abstract With the arising of Relevance theory proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986) and the relevance-theoretic translation theory proposed by Gutt (1991), many scholars began to make researches on translation from the perspective of Relevance Theory...
- 英语幽默的语用研究_商务英语论文
Abstract English jokes are humorous and implicit. However, for people whose mother language is not English, its hard to completely understand English humor. This paper presents a pragmatic analysis of English humor in order to help the reader get a b...
- 从会话含义看英语幽默的产生_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 作为英语中一种特殊的语言现象,幽默在英语文化中起着十分重要的作用。它不仅担任着人际关系润滑剂的角色,而且是个人魅力的表现。对于我国的英语学习者来说,对英语幽默的理解...
- 英语幽默的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: English Humor, as an important part in its language, can display people's habits and customs in English countries. It is not very easy but necessary to translate English humor to Chinese appropriately. This paper first introduces the defini...