- 《黑暗之心》中后殖民主义分析_英语文学论文
Abstract Heart of Darkness,written by the renowned British novelist Joseph Conrad,is a world famous novella.Since its publication,it has been regarded as a significant text in British literature because of its Modernistic features, innovative...
- 解读《黑暗之心》中约瑟夫·康拉德的反殖民主义思想_英语文学论文
摘要 约瑟夫康拉德的代表作《黑暗之心》自从出版以来得到了广大读者的喜爱以及众多学者的关注,对康拉德在小说中渗透的是拥护抑或反对殖民主义的立场各执一词。本论文认为此小说是一...
- 丧钟注定为他敲响——解读《黑暗之心》中科兹的悲剧性_英语文学论文
摘要 《黑暗之心》是二十世纪英国现代主义先驱之一约瑟夫 康拉德颇具影响力的小说。小说一经问世便得到了各界的关注,在随后数十年里影响力越来越大。小说主要讲述了刚果河上象牙贸易...
- 约瑟夫·康拉德《黑暗之心》中的女性形象探究_英语文学论文
摘要 约瑟夫康拉德是英国最杰出的小说家之一和二十世纪英国现代主义文坛的先驱之一。其最负盛名的小说《黑暗之心》早在1899年出版,一问世便得到了各界的关注,在随后数十年里影响力越...
- 《黑暗之心》与殖民主义-叙事学角度的审视_英语文学论文
Abstract Ever since its publication, Conrads Heart of Darkness has been discussed from all perspectives among which the colonialist and post-colonialist critique has gained much prevalence. Some consider it an anti-colonialist work because of its foc...
- 《黑暗之心》的人性探究_英语文学论文
Abstract Heart of Darkness is a classic novella by Joseph Conrad. It shows the fragility of morality against the background of the virgin forest in the 19th century Congo. The thesis manages to explore the essence of the novella by analyzing the prin...