- 大学生英语口语学习策略与口语交际能力的关系研究_英语论文
大学生英语口语学习策略与口语交际能力的关系研究_英语论文 A Study of the Relationship between College Students’ Learning Strategies for spoken English and Their Oral Communicative Ability 摘要 英语是当今世界重要的国际通用语言,英语口语能力在英语交际中起着至关重要的作用。因此,英语口语交际能力的提高一直以来被我国大学生看作是英语学习的重中之重。大学生英语学习策略的使用与其英语学习...
- 英语口语学习的有效纠错探讨_英语论文.doc
英语口语学习的有效纠错探讨_英语论文 An Exploration into the Error Treatment of EFL Learners’ Oral Production 摘要 英语口语是英语语言能力的体现,同时也是英语教学的重点和难点。错误是学习者学习外语的必经之路,可以说,错误是语言学习的一部分。“不犯错误是学不会语言...
- 多元智能理论下高年段小学生英语口语学习的研究_英语教学论文
摘 要 本论文的主要内容为多元智能理论下高年段小学生英语口语的学习。其目的旨在通过结合多元智能理论来分析高年段小学生学习英语口语中产生的问题和遇到的障碍。自从实施新课程改革...
- 口语学习策略对高校英语专业学生口语水平的影响_英语教学论文
Abstract This paper endeavors to help the students improve their oral English capacities by case study and comparing different learning strategies among English majors. Through interviews, observation and questionnaire, this paper analyzes the simila...
- 母语对中国大学生口语学习的影响_英语教学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: With the development of globalization, English is learnt as a world language by more and more people from different countries of the world. In China, English has been learnt by students as a required course since Chin...
- 中英风俗习惯差异对英语专业大学生口语学习的影响_英语教学论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: The present paper aims to analyze the influence of the distinction between Chinese and English customs on the study of oral English for English majors through four aspects: 1. festival customs, 2. traditional etiquett...
- 元认知策略在英语口语学习中的应用_英语教学论文
Abstract Meta-cognitive strategy is a high-order learning skill involving planning strategy, monitoring strategy, and evaluating strategy. Many researches on meta-cognitive strategy have shown that it is an effective way to improve spoken English pro...