- 基于关联理论的英语新闻语篇生成与解析_英语论文
Construction and Interpretation of English News Discourse under Relevance Theory_英语论文 摘要 在语音识别和机器翻译的助力下,机器口译技术近年来已经有所发展并出现了一些设备,但机器口译设备目前尚无法脱离随着全球化和互联网的快速发展, 英语新闻报道是人们了解国际经济、军事、教育科技、文化、体育等时事的重要途径。由于新闻内容丰富题材多样理解新闻对听者存在诸多困难,因此...
- NBA英语新闻语篇分析_英语论文.doc
NBA英语新闻语篇分析_英语论文 A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis of NBA News Report 摘要 NBA美国职业篮球联盟,全称为National Basketball Association。是目前全世界最为成熟,水平最高,影响力最大的篮球职业联赛。对于NBA的新闻报道的分析,能够更好地帮助读者了解该类报道的特点,...
- 论英语新闻语篇中的汉语借用—从美国主流新闻报刊看语言文化_商务英语论文
Abstract Through a collection of the phenomena of Chinese loan words in current affairs from U.S. major newspapers and magazines, The New York Times and Time, this paper, in a broad sense of borrowings, attempts to analyze the history, causes, and th...
- 英语经济类新闻语篇中的语法隐喻研究_商务英语论文
摘 要 在现代社会,人们的日常生活与经济的发展紧密的联系着,因此经济类新闻在人们的生活中变得密不可分。当前,国内外已经有许多关于隐喻方面的研究,并取得了丰硕的成果,这些研究...
- 新闻语篇中间接引语的会话含义_商务英语论文
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the conversational implicature of the reported speech appearing in news discourses.This paper brings in the theories of Conversational Implicature and the four maxims of Cooperative Principle to analyze the re...
- 间接引语的绝对时态在新闻语篇中的作用_商务英语论文
Abstract: This study aims to explore the effects of absolute tense of indirect speech on news discourse. News owns its stylistic characteristics and we can find that the use of absolute tense of indirect speech is getting popularity in news nowadays....
- 新闻语篇中间接引语的时态使用_商务英语论文
Abstract: News discourse is, to a large degree, about what people say and how they say. Reported speech accounts for a large portion in news reports. And there is a relationship between tense and reported speech. This thesis tends to study the use of...