- 美国总统政治演讲中的隐喻研究_商务英语论文
Abstract Based on conceptual metaphor put forward by Lakoff, this paper takes American President Obamas political speeches as materials and uses qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the metaphor phenomena in political discourse. Metaphors...
- 奥巴马的总统获胜演讲分析_商务英语论文
Abstract This paper is going to make an extensive study on Obamas victory speech from mainly three layersword-level statistics and analysis, sentence-level statistics and analysis and some unique characteristics displayed in the discourse. The author...
- 奥巴马在其第一届美国总统任期间演讲中运用的亚里士多德修辞诉诸理论_商务
Abstract This paper aims to analyze how Barack Obama won the voters support in his first term as the President of the USA by means of Aristotelian rhetorical appeals, including logos, ethos, and pathos. Barack Obamas speeches have left a deep impress...
- 奥巴马总统的演讲致柏林人民的修辞特征_商务英语论文
Abstract This paper is intended to discuss the rhetorical features in President Barack Obamas speech Address to the People of Berlin, in particular, his power of persuasion. To reach this goal, the logical induction method was employed. It is conclud...