- 汉语成语中的文化因素及翻译策略研究_英语论文
A Study on Cultural Factors and C-E Translation Strategies for Chinese Idioms_英语论文 摘要 众所周知,四字成语作为汉字文化圈内的语言表达形式之一,经过长期使用、锤炼而形成,在语言文化中占据着重要位置。美国社会语言学家J. B. Pride曾说过:“语言是一面社会的镜子,它折射了社会的方方面面,并带有深深的时代烙印”。的确,成语是民族文化的凝聚,是文化特点、文化心态、文化传统...
- 汉语成语的文化特色及其英译策略_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract The indivisible relationship between language and culture, determines the close relationship between culture and translation. That is, translation is not just for cross-linguistic communication, but for cross-cultural communication. Idioms a...
- 英汉成语表现的文化差异比较_商务英语论文
Abstract: Language is a tool with which people communicate with each other, which reflects nations culture culture. Idioms are the core of a language as they are formed through peoples life experience, background and the wisdom of working people. By...
- 从顺应论角度看成语的语用效果_商务英语论文
Abstract Idiom is the treasure of the people in the long history created. In daily life and literary works is widely used. Idiom is an indispensable part of language culture. It is in the development of long-term formed its own unique characteristics...
- 汉语四字格成语的英译策略_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 汉语成语是中国文化的一大瑰宝,其中以四字格的短语居多。它与英语成语有着本质上的区别,为了翻译好汉语四字格成语,避免一些常见的错误,我们必须很好地掌握成语英译策略。...
- 成语汉译英中数字的对等_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: This essay aims to study the application of functional equivalence theory in C-E translation of numbers in idioms. Due to the special features of numbers in idioms, such as accuracy, vagueness, cultural connotation etc, much attention shoul...