- 浅析电影《功夫熊猫》中西文化的融合_商务英语论文
Abstract: As China taking a more and more active role in the areas of global economy, politics, and culture, Chinese culture has received further accreditation and appreciation. In 2008, China became the host of Olympic Games, great attention, from t...
- 从《功夫熊猫》看美式幽默_商务英语论文
Abstract With a lot of American movies flowing into China, more and more Chinese people like to learn American culture through watching all kinds of American movies. When Kong Fu Panda came out, it attracted the eyeballs of every Chinese at different...
- 浅析中美电影中英雄主义的异同——以《功夫熊猫》和《霍元甲》为例_商务英
摘要: 电影艺术不仅仅是文化的标志,还是文化的产物。作为文化的载体,它可以反映一国文化的特质,但不同文化对英雄主义社会价值的定义却不一样。随着中外经济文化交流日益增多,全...
- 中西方对《功夫熊猫》武侠精神理解的异同_商务英语论文
Abstract Kung Fu Panda, a very popular movie across the world, mainly tells a story about a fat lovely panda and how he becomes a hero eventually. In this movie elements closely related to Chinese martial arts spirit are well represented. This paper...
- 《功夫熊猫》电影中的中国元素_商务英语论文
Abstract In recent years, China and even Chinese culture are very popular all around the world. In many foreign movies we can find some elements which can represent Chinese history and culture. The two movies of Kung Fu Panda are the two typical exam...
- 从《功夫熊猫》看美国电影中中美文化的融合_商务英语论文
Abstract Kung Fu Panda made by Dream Works got great success in 2008. To our surprise, this story set background with ancient China. Kung Fu Panda perfectly integrated traditional Chinese nation and local custom in a Hollywood way. Kung Fu Panda has...
- 中西方电影中的英雄形象——以《功夫熊猫》为例_商务英语论文
Abstract: Hero is the eternal topic of human in history. Every culture has its own definition of hero, which exists in different characteristics of hero in movies. Hero represents special culture and the development of a society. And heroic image res...
- 从《功夫熊猫》中的阿宝到《西游记》中的孙悟空看中美英雄主义的对比_商务
摘要: 现今,在中西方文化竞争、交流、融合、共存的现实下,西方国家正将注意力转向东方来改变自身文化的表现形式;与此同时,东、西方国家都在试图找出能将各自文化内涵和表达方式...
- 从功能对等理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘要: 随着全球化的发展,各国间的文化交流变得日益频繁。电影作为不可或缺的文化载体,肩负着传递不同民族和文化信息的重任。在中国,越来越多的观众青睐英文电影。因此,英文电影...
- 英文电影字幕翻译研究-以《功夫熊猫》为例_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 电影是一种艺术形式,同时也是一种商品。它已成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分。电影不仅是人们喜爱的一种娱乐方式,而且是文化交流传递的重要手段。伴随着全球一体化,越来越多...
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