- 清教主义对美国个人主义的影响_商务英语论文
- Abstract Individualism, as the core of American culture, shapes the connotation and content under the format of the American culture. Therefore, great attention has been paid from scholars and experts around the globe on this topic, and among their r...
- 《红字》中霍桑对清教主义的矛盾思想的人物性格分析_英语文学论文
- Abstract Hawthorne is considered as one of the most important American novelists. Deeply influenced by Puritanism, Hawthorne devotes himself in exploring moral and the evil issues through most of his novels. The thesis aims to find out Hawthornes con...
- 从清教主义角度解析《鲁滨逊漂流记》中个人主义的强化_英语文学论文
- Abstract Robinson Crusoe, a masterpiece of Daniel Defoe with strong puritan features, marks the beginning of English realism. This thesis aims at revealing the typical individualism which is noticeable in Crusoe in the rising stage of capitalism unde...
- 论清教主义思想对《红字》女主人公性格的影响_英语文学论文
- 摘要 本文的主要目的是从宗教角度,探讨清教主义思想对《红字》女主人公性格的影响。众所周知,宗教与文学有着千丝万缕的联系,所以从宗教角度研究英美文学,有助于挖掘文学作品的深...
- 《红字》中白兰悲剧命运的因素中清教主义的体现_英语文学论文
- 摘要 清教是基督教新教派别之一,16世纪出现于英国。该教派反对国王和主教的专制,承认《圣经》是唯一的权威。清教主张清除国教所保留的天主教旧制度,简化仪式,提倡过勤俭清洁的生...
- 《红字》中霍桑的清教主义研究_英语文学论文
- Abstract The Scarlet Letter is a novel written by the American writer Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 19th century. The story, set in 17th century, Boston, reveals the darkness and cruelty of the colonialists Puritanism. This paper is to combine Hawthorne...
- 《小妇人》的结局中所包含的清教主义和个人主义的冲突与融合_英语文学论文
- 摘要 作为美国第一部可以与《傲慢与偏见》媲美的美国女性文学露易莎梅奥尔科特的《小妇人》的一举成名在文坛上引起了巨大的反响。在创作过程中,奥尔科特运用了一些打破常规性的变通...
- 从《红字》看霍桑对清教主义的批判与妥协_英语文学论文
- 摘要 作为美国一位颇具影响力的作家,霍桑及其作品都深深地被清教主义影响着。他最为著名的作品《红字》被认为是一幅生动描绘清教徒生活的图画。正是由于《红字》在美国文学中的崇高...