- 浅谈外语教学中跨文化意识的培养_英语教学论文
- Abstract The understanding of culture cannot be ignored during the use of language, due to the close relationship between language and culture. In English teaching, we should cultivate cross-cultural communicative awareness in order to avoid unnecess...
- 浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵差异对英汉翻译的启示_翻译专业英语论文
- Abstract Vocabulary is the most active part of language. It can reflect the social changes and cultural developments directly. That is to say, vocabulary is the mirror of the society and culture, so are color terms. As our world is full of colors,a l...
- 培养中学生跨文化意识的方法_英语教学论文
- 摘要 现今中国的中学生们在经过多年的英语知识学习之后早已掌握英语中的语法规则和词汇知识,但是他们却经常不能正确地运用英语知识去进行日常的文化交流,这是因为现今的英语教学忽...
- 初中英语词汇教学中跨文化意识的渗透_英语教学论文
- 摘 要 语言是文化不可或缺的载体,是文化的奠基石。语言作为文化缩影的同时,也被文化深深影响。词汇作为语言最重要的基础,承载着丰富的民族文化。在初中英语教学中,教师常把词汇教...
- 浅谈中外记者招待会中口译者的跨文化意识_商务英语论文
- Abstract Sino-foreign press conference is one of the most important ways for China to communicate with other foreign countries. However, since China and other foreign countries have many differences in history, values and social customs, many interpr...