- 小班化英语教学中的小组合作学习研究_英语教学论文
Abstract: This paper, based on the questionnaire about grouping and evaluating in cooperative learning in a certain primary school, aims to research the effect of grouping and evaluating on the cooperative learning in small English classes. It is fou...
- 高中英语教学中学生语用能力的培养_英语教学论文
摘要 语用能力是交际能力的重要组成部分,是指恰当、得体地使用语言。语用能力的培养与提高已成为中国外语教学的目标之一,也引起了国内学者对学习者在外语教学中语用能力发展的研究...
- 跨文化语用失误分析及其对大学英语教学的启示_英语教学论文
Abstract With the progress and development of society, different countries and nations increasingly communicate and cooperate with one another. As a tool of communication, English has played a very important role in modern society. The major function...
- 大学英语教学中学生阅读技巧训练研究_英语教学论文
摘 要 随着社会的发展,为满足21世纪知识经济时代的要求,我国不断进行教育改革。人们越来越多的重视并倡导均衡发展计划。与此同时,人们还认为英语的学习和教学应该被视为是英语学习...
- 印象笔记在英语教学中的应用研究_英语教学论文
摘 要 本文从英语教育在21世纪信息化时代发展阶段所面临的机遇与挑战出发,主要介绍了英语教育的特性,云笔记服务的发展历史,当今国内外教育界及科技界为迎接这一挑战所采取的一系列...
- 多媒体教学在英语中的应用_英语教学论文
摘要: 近些年来,多媒体教学发展迅速。它集文本图形、图像、声音、动画和视频等多种媒体功能于一体,在英语教学中使用多媒体有利于促进英语学习,开阔学生的视野,提高教学效率。但...
- 英文电影在英语教学中的应用_英语教学论文
Abstract: Traditionally, the classroom English teaching depends on the textbooks and the teachers explanation. The students lack the motivation of English learning. These common phenomena may result in some consequences that the atmosphere in a class...
- 幽默在中国中学英语教学中的应用_英语教学论文
Abstract: For various reasons, teachers seldom apply humor into English teaching in Chinese Middle Schools. However, there are many benefits if teachers can adopt humor in classes. It can create lively classroom atmosphere and help students get rid o...
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