- 从《阿甘正传》看美国梦的理性回归_英语文学论文
ABSTRACT The American dream was born since the Puritans left Europe for the northern America to get rid of the religious precaution, it has been through a lot of development and changes over the past few centuries, and there are countless researches...
- 嘉莉妹妹追求美国梦的动机分析_英语文学论文
Abstract Written by Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie narrates the story of a girl called Carrie, with her pursuit of American Dream as the plotline. According to Dreisers description, Carrie's pursuit of American Dream is motivated by many reasons, in...
- 美国梦的追逐与幻灭——解读杰克·伦敦的《马丁·伊登》_英语文学论文
Abstract Jack London, a modern and productive writer in America, is one of the most famous novelists in late 19th and early 20th. In his life, he wrote many novels, among which Martin Eden, was one of the perspective woks. From the bottom of the soci...
- 美国电影中的美国梦_商务英语论文
Abstract American Dream which is one of the core elements of American culture has been attracting lots of people, especially the young, to go to America in waves to pursue their dreams. American Dream has long been a heated topic ever since its birth...
- 从《推销员之死》看消费主义时代美国梦的破灭_英语文学论文
摘 要 作为米勒的代表作,《推销员之死》表面上刻画了一个家庭成员之间令人心痛的矛盾冲突,实际上触及了美国价值观等更为宏大的问题。该剧剖析了人们因盲目相信美国梦所付出的代价。...
- 从《我自己的歌》看美国梦对惠特曼的影响_英语文学论文
摘要 《草叶集》是惠特曼的代表作品,也是美国诗歌史上一座灿烂的里程碑。其中,《我自己的歌》是诗集中最长的一首诗,也是整部诗集的主干和中心,它几乎包含了诗人毕生的主要思想。...
- 从选秀节目美国偶像看美国梦的实现_商务英语论文
摘 要 自1776年美利坚合众国建国以来,美国社会就宣扬平等和自由,相信人人都有通过自己天赋、勤奋和努力去追求幸福和成功的权利。这种追求梦想和实现美好生活的愿望也被称作美国梦。...
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