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  • 语用预设在英语广告中的应用_英语论文.doc
  • 语用预设在英语广告中的应用 Application of Pragmatic Presupposition in English Advertisement 摘要 随着经济的全球化发展,英语广告在人们的日常生活中扮演着日益重要的角色。广告的主要目的是劝服消费者采取购买行为。语用预设,作为在任何交流过程中都很必要的前提,被广...
  • 语用预设在广告中的运用_商务英语论文
  • 摘要 在信息高速发展的21世纪,我们每天都能看到各式各样的广告。广告是一种特殊的沟通交流方式,意在说服顾客购买产品。如何通过语言文字,使广告中的信息被大众所接受、所信服,从...
  • 基于语料库的政治话语中语用预设研究_商务英语论文
  • 摘 要 德国哲学家费雷格在1892年提出预设理论,在当时还属于哲学范畴,后来才渐渐被引入语言学领域。经过深入研究发现, 预设分为语义预设和语用预设两种。由于语用预设能够用于把说话者...
  • 化妆品广告的语用预设分析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Advertisement is everywhere in our daily life and it plays an important role when customers decide whether to buy the product. Many scholars analyze them from the perspective of literature, practical writing, and rhetoric study. However, adv...
  • 语用预设在英语广告中的应用_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Advertising language is a very normal language phenomenon in the daily life. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the study of advertising language, especially the study of application of pragmatic presupposition in advertis...
  • 英语广告语的语用预设_商务英语论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Advertising exists almost everywhere in our realistic life, which has become an important part of the social and cultural communication. From the aspect of pragmatics, advertising language as a persuasive language has...