- 浅谈希腊神话中的拟人特征_商务英语论文
- Abstract It is generally believed that Greece is the cradle of western civilization. As an important part of human culture, ancient Greek culture with thousands of years history has impact on the development of global culture, especially on western c...
- 浅析希腊神话中的本思想——以赫拉和雅典娜为例_商务英语论文
- Abstract The Greek mythology, the body of the myths, is the treasure of the world culture. Many myths contribute to the world literature most. Distinct from the gods who are aloof from the people in Chinese Myth, the gods in Greek myth are more frien...
- 希腊神话对英美文化影响之初探_商务英语论文
- Abstract The Greek mythology is an important part of the Greek culture and a priceless cultural heritage of humanity. It also has exerted great influence on the British and American cultures in many aspects, such as British and American literature, B...
- 中国神话与希腊神话中英雄人物的差异_商务英语论文
- 摘要 中国和希腊作为两个伟大的文明古国,各自孕育了自己源远流长的神话。但是由于时间,地域,文化等方面的不同,两国的神话也各具特色,而各神话故事中中英雄形象的差异最具典型性...
- 中西方价值取向分析:基于中国上古神话诸神和希腊神话主神的比较研究
- 摘要 在世界现存的多类别神话故事中,如印度神话、北欧神话、古罗马神话、古希腊神话、亚洲神话等等,古希腊神话是西方世界影响力最大、体系做完整的一个。希腊神话以其丰富的内容和鲜活的人物形象吸引着学者为之研究和读者为之阅读;而中国上古神话起步...