- 奥巴马两次胜选演说的修辞手法分析_商务英语论文
Abstract: In modern Chinese language, literally, Rhetoric means modifying the words, widely, you can understand it as adjusting the words. Rhetoric is the study of rhetoric devices. The rhetoric device is an artistic device which enhances the languag...
- 英语公共演讲修辞手法分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Rhetorical devices always play important and irreplaceable roles in public speeches, which make those speeches vivid, effective and appealing. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the rhetorical devices which are mostly used in Eng...
- 广告英语修辞手法的翻译方法_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: With the fast development of social economy and the increasing international cooperation in trades, advertising is becoming more international than ever. An excellent advertisement brings many advantages, such as it can arouse customers att...
- 从文化的角度看修辞手法在商务英语广告中的应用_商务英语论文
摘 要 随着经济全球化的发展,中外文化交流日益频繁,广告在不同国家之间的交流作用也越来越突出。为了更好地翻译和诠释广告本身的意义,要将中西方文化结合起来,尽可能多地让群众享...
- 英语广告中常见的修辞手法及其翻译策略_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 当今世界正处在一个媒体时代,所有信息都通过多媒体传递。但是不是每样东西都能无障碍传递,比如说国外广告在传递过程中就需要很准确的翻译。由于语言和文化上的差异,使我们在...
- 《生活大爆炸》中修辞手法分析_商务英语论文
Abstract Rhetorical devices, an essential component of rhetoric, are language forms that are typically regarded as methods to achieve special effects that transcend the literal meaning in specific language contexts. Humorous language is usually the e...
- 修辞手法在广告中的应用_商务英语论文
Abstract With the development of business and the market economy, advertising plays a vital role in promoting modern society. In the use of advertising language, rhetoric has played a positive role. It has enriched the connotation of the language and...
- 认可与施压修辞手法在演讲中的应用_商务英语论文
摘 要 本论文主要研究了修辞手法:认可与施压,在演讲中的运用。演讲在当今全球化时代的交流中作为促进合作的有力方式起着重要作用。但是目前国内演讲研究主要从纯语言学的角度进行,...
- 从关联理论角度看英语广告中修辞手法的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 随着世界经济全球一体化的发展,广告对于外国企业在中国的营销上起到了越来越多的作用。然而,因为不同的历史和文化背景,很多在国外取得巨大成功的广告在中国并没有取得人们期...
- 英语谚语的修辞手法分析_商务英语论文
摘要 谚语作为一种特殊的语言形式,是人类智慧的结晶。而修辞学在英语谚语中扮演了一个重要角色,谚语中经常使用各种修辞手法,正是修辞的使用使得英语谚语更加迷人以至于难以忘记。...
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