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  • 《老友记》中的英语俚语翻译研究_英语论文
  • 摘要 二十世纪以来,世界联系加深,跨文化交际不断发展,长期被视为非正式语言的英语俚语逐渐成为英语语言中的重要组成部分。关于俚语的报纸、期刊、论文和专著接踵而来。但英语俚语的汉译研究却相对有限。作者对美剧《老友记》中的俚语翻译研究,旨在为俚语翻译提供可行的理论指导。理论结合实例,力图促进人们对俚语的理解和减少俚语翻译的困难,进一步促进文...
  • 英语俚语的语体特征_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: English slang plays an important role in people's daily communication for its highly expressive character. Slang is vivid, humorous, concise and variable. There is diversity in the type and style of slang when its used in different situatio...
  • 浅析英语俚语的汉译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract With the deep integration of global economy, links between all the nations are closer and close. As the most widely used language in the world, English is a medium of communication in many international situations. English slang is an import...
  • 功能对等理论下英语俚语的翻译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract This paper focuses on the translation of English slang into Chinese based on Eugene A. Nidas functional equivalence theory. Slang is an indispensable and important component in English language and is favored by worldwide English learners an...
  • 论商务沟通中英语俚语的风格及翻译_翻译专业英语论文
  • 摘 要 英语俚语曾是一种非正式的、粗俗的、下层阶级所使用的语言。但是,在如今的时代,俚语却被英语国家各个阶层的人们所广泛地使用。在日常生活中,英语俚语随处可见,例如:电视、...