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  • 从语义学角度看英汉亲属称谓语对比分析_英语论文
  • A Contrastive Study between Chinese and English Kinship Terms from the Perspective of Semantics_英语论文 摘要 本文选择英汉亲属称谓语作为研究对象,从语义学角度对二者进行对比分析,以期找出二者在语义上的不同。 本篇论文共包含四个部分。第一部分主要回顾中西学者在此领域的研究成果。第二部分依次介绍了亲属关系的因缘、亲属称谓语的定义以及分类。这部分大体上呈现了亲属称谓语的全貌...
  • 浅析中英亲属称谓语_英语论文.doc
  • 浅析中英亲属称谓语_英语论文 A Brief Study on Kinship terms in Chinese and English 摘要 称谓语是说话的人用来称呼与其对话者的用语。称谓语可以分为亲属称谓语和社交称谓语两大类。我们在日常生活中免不了使用亲属称谓语。亲属称谓语是跨文化交际研究的不可分割的一部分...
  • 英汉亲属称谓语的差异及互译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract: Language is closely related to culture and can be regarded as a part of culture. The addressing term is not only a part of language but also a kind of culture. It is a reflection of national traditional culture and historical accumulation...
  • 中西亲属称谓语的比较研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Kinship terms are a kind of appellation as well as an important part of human appellation. Different language has different cultural background. Language is the carrier of culture. Therefore, kinship terms are the reflection of their nationa...
  • 从社会语言学看英汉亲属称谓语_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and social subjects. Language and culture are the integration that cannot be divided. Cultural differences are not only embodied in language itself, b...
  • 英汉亲属称谓语差异浅析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Kinship address term refers to those words and expressions identifying the relationship of members within one family. Different languages have their own kinship address term systems. The differences between English an...
  • 英汉亲属称谓语的差异及其文化渊源探析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Kinship Terms are not only a part of language but also a kind of culture. The difference between English and Chinese kinship terms reflects the cultural differences between West and East. This thesis will mainly discu...