- 中美日常用语中的语言差异研究_商务英语论文
摘要: 该课题旨在研究中美日常用语中的语言差异,并揭示语言结构及其用法,这对于英语学习及正确交际具有重要意义。由于中西方文化差异,尤其是思维模式不同, 在很多方面对英汉语言...
- 英汉语言差异在《孔乙己》中英译本中的体现_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Languge plays a role both as a bond and a window in peoples daily life. English and Chinese belong to two totally different language families, representing the eastern and western cultures respectively. The different histories, living env...
- 旅游宣传广告的英译技巧探讨_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: With the development of tourism in our country, more and more foreigners set China as their first choice of a travel destination. Tourism advertisement as an effective way to publicize tourism resources of China, its...
- 中英广告语言中的语言及文化差异_商务英语论文
摘要 广告语言具有独特的文体特征及表达形式,同时,中英广告语言具有不同的语言及文化特征。文化是广告创作的基本源泉。广告商结合文化创造广告,不仅能够丰富广告的内涵,而且有助...