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  • 英汉财经新闻中的预设对比研究_英语论文.doc
  • 英汉财经新闻中的预设对比研究_英语论文 Comparative Research on Presupposition in English and Chinese Financial News 摘要 预设自19世纪被提出以来,得到了众多学者的关注。研究表明英汉语中均有预设现象的存在。目前,已经有部分学者以中英广告、庭审语言以及新闻标题为语料展...
  • 预设在英语新闻标题中的应用_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: Newspaper headline is the title of a news report and the fundamental part of any piece of news. It is usually described as the eye of news reports. From the headline readers could catch the main idea of the news and they can decide whether...