- 从归化和异化角度看《舌尖上的中国》菜名英译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Nowadays, in the process of globalization, the Chinese dishes have become world-famous day by day. More and more foreigners have grown very attached to Chinese dishes, so the Chinese food culture is playing a more and more important role in...
- 浅析旅游景点公示语翻译中的归化与异化现象_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract: Recently, with the continuous development of tourism, tourist industry has become more and more internationalized. With the increasing number of foreign tourists, various tourist attractions facilitate tourists all round the world by adopti...
- 张谷若《德伯家苔丝》译本中的归化与异化_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Domestication and foreignization are two different translation strategies firstly put forward by Lawrence Venuti in 1995. Domestication adopts a fluent style to convey the source text which is easily accepted and understood by readers. The t...
- 从《西游记》译文中异化与归化问题的角度论专有名词的翻译_翻译专业英语论
摘 要 从归化与异化的角度来比较两者翻译的专有名词。归化是以目标语或译文读者为归宿,采取目标语读者所习惯的表达方式来传达原文的内容。归化翻译要求译者向目的语的读者靠拢,译者...
- 政论文英译中的归化和异化_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Since the reform and opening-up, the translation of Chinese political writings has become an important medium for foreigners to know China's development. Although many translators have made great contributions in this...
- 从归化异化理论看《聊斋》不同译本中的鬼怪文化翻译_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract Liaozhai Zhiyi is an encyclopedia of classical Chinese culture. It is regarded as the top of classical Chinese novel for it represents the ghost culture and beliefs in China. Liaozhai has been translated into English by both Chinese translat...
- 权利话语背景下林语堂《道德经》英译的策略研究_翻译专业英语论文
Abstract This thesis, whose major topic is Translation Strategies in Lin Yutangs Translation of Tao Te Ching from the Perspective of Power Discourse, discusses the following questions What are translation strategies? What strategies does Lin Yutang i...
- 《红楼梦》翻译中的归化与异化比较_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 翻译活动是由翻译目的、翻译内容和翻译方法构成的完整过程。归化法属于翻译目的要求;异化法属于翻译内容的要求;翻译方法则是归化与异化的灵活统一。随着社会的发展,国际间的...
- 林语堂《京华烟云》中的归化与异化翻译_翻译专业英语论文
摘 要 英语在全球化的同时,也有明显的本土化倾向。英语语言的发展很好地证明了这一点。当今中国,随着改革开放,与外国交流机会越来越多,怎样用英语来充分表达中国本土文化,做到既...
- 商务翻译中的归化与异化_翻译专业英语论文
摘要 翻译中归化与异化的问题一直是翻译界争论的中心。归化主张译文应以目的语或译文读者为重点,认为译文与原文应该是自然对等的。异化则主张译文应以源语或原文作者为出发点,强调译...
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