- 饮料包装设计对消费者心理的影响研究_英语论文
- On the Effect of Beverage Packaging Design on Consumer Psychology 摘要:饮料包装设计能够反映产品的定位和品牌的创造力,对消费者心理产生直接迅捷的影响,具有促进销量和提升品牌价值等功能。饮料包装设计可以通过材质、形状、颜色和商标等方面的创新对消费者的视觉、触觉...
- 英文广告中的修辞与消费心理_商务英语论文
- Abstract: Promoting sales is an important goal of advertising. In order to realize this aim, advertising producers have to use all kinds of rhetorical devices to strengthen the public appeal of advertising language, such as rhyme and alliteration, pe...
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